How to input an expression
Arithmetic operations
Addition: '+';
example: 5 + 7
Subtraction: '-';
example: 15 - 12
Multiplication: '*';
example: 5 * 2
Division: '/';
example: 18 / 3
For the online math calculator you can use 'x' as a variable;
example: x + 6
The online math calculator can use predefined functions as well.
Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, arcsin, arccos, arctan etc;
example: sin(7)
Other functions: sqrt (square root), abs (absolute value), ln (natural logarithm), log (base 10 logarithm);
example: abs(-5)
You can use other characters to create complex functions for example:
e = the mathematical constant and the base of the natural logarithm (e = 2.71828182845904523536...)
^ = to express an exponent (3^2 = 9 - 'three to the second power')
( ) = parenthesis - control the order of operations ('4*(1+2) = 12')
Examples of complex expressions
sin(cos(x) * e^x)