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How to Input an Expression

Arithmetic operations

        Addition: '+'; example: 5 + 7
        Subtraction: '-'; example: 15 - 12
        Multiplication: '*'; example: 5 * 2
        Division: '/'; example: 18 / 3
        Factorial: '!'; example: 5! = 120

Relational operators

         Operators: < , > , <= , >=

Variables and Parameters

        For the online math calculator you can use 'x' as a variable; example: x + 6;

        In some of the calculators, where you can input the variable, for example
        the derivative calculator, the integrals calculator, and so on, you can use any other variable.

        You may also use letters from the alphabet as real parameters in your expressions. See example below.

        Example: the derivative of   "a*x" with respect to 'x' is a
        while the derivative of the same function:   "a*x" with respect to 'a' is x


        The following functions can be used:

        sqrt-square root ; exp-exponential, equivalent to %e^x ; log-natural logarithm- ; abs-absolute value or modulus

        Trigonometric functions:sin cos sec csc tan cot asin acos asec acsc atan acot sinh cosh sech csch tanh coth asinh acosh asech acsch atanh acoth

        Other functions : erf-error function ; decimal logarithm: log(x)/log(10)

Constants and Special Constants

         %e - Euler's number
         %i - Imaginary unit, sqrt(-1)
         %pi - PI - 3.141592653589793....
         %phi - The Golden Mean, calculated with: (1 + sqrt(5))/2
         inf - Real positive infinity
         minf - Real negative infinity

Examples of complex expressions

        sin(cos(x) *% e^x)

How to Read the Output

          As you may have already seen, our tools give the answer in a readable and easy to understand way.
         Unlike other calculators, the result from our calculators can copied and pasted in your own documents.

    Notations and conventions:

        x      is the second power of  'x' , x^2

        2 x   is    2*x = x+x

        --------      is sin(x)/log(x)

        and so on . . .

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